
Whose Praise???

Since 1927, Time Magazine has announced its “Man of the year award”, and this year’s winner is President Barack Obama for the 2nd time. The magazine’s tradition of naming a “Man of the year” has occasionally provoked significant controversy. In 1938, just before World War 2, Time named Adolf Hitler, “Man of the Year” just about one year …

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Know You’re Led and Protected!

As most of you know, this past week the conflict in Israel has escalated. The IDF has termed Israel’s military operation, “amood anan”, which in literal Hebrew, means, “pillar of cloud”. In English it has been rendered, “pillar of defense”. The term is a direct reference from the Exodus of Israel from Egypt when they were led out of slavery and protected by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.[Exodus 13:21]. The pillar both led (directed and guided) and protected the children of Israel from the Egyptian army…providing both leadership and protection.

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Run to the Mercy Seat!

Last night, my wife decided to stay up late to watch the opening night of the Messiah Conference by live stream Internet (a huge gathering of Messianic Jews and Israel loving Christians from all over the world, taking place annually in Harrisburg Pa). Low and behold, who’s voice came through the loudspeakers but Riv’s, as a dance troupe danced beautifully to her song “Kes Harachamim” (Mercy Seat). How cool!

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In Times of Intense Drought — Find Your Treasure!

It was 1986, in the midst of a three year drought, when two brothers who lived in a kibbutz near the Sea of Galilee made an incredible discovery. As these two fisherman monitored their equipment on the lake, they noticed something glistening in the sun covered in mud. It was a fishing boat. Upon deeper examination, archaeologists determined that these two brothers had discovered an ancient boat from the time of Yeshua (Jesus). It’s was called the “Jesus boat” and is now located in a museum next to the Sea of Galilee.

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