
It’s not about us!

Many of you know that we’ve been in Israel a little over ten years now. I am still trying to adjust to the spiritual atmosphere, culture and language. Those few things, in and of themselves, are enough to become overwhelmed. But if that’s not enough, we are pioneering a new ministry here, trusting totally in God for His provision, trying to raise two young children in a way that is pleasing to Him and all the while, going through our own personal trials.

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Emergency! 911! Sound the Alarm!

We, and I know many other brothers and sisters around the world have been praying and praying for revival to come. We’ve been seeking God for the seeds we’ve sown in prayer to be harvested in these crucial hours, when they are becoming ripe for the picking. We’ve been asking God to reveal Himself to His people and bring laborers into the harvest.

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Happy Todanukah!

For the first time in over a 100 years, Thanksgiving and Chanukah will fall on the same day, November 28th, 2013. Some have termed it “Thanksgivukkah”, however my wife calls it, “Todanukah”. (The Hebrew word for “thanks”, is “toda”.) According to one calculation, the next time that Thanksgiving and Chanukah will align perfectly will be 79,043 years from now! I expect we will all have gone to our reward by then.

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