One More Important Thing!
Yesterday, I shared from this same passage. But today, something even more powerful touched my heart about it — and it was so humbling, I had to share it with you too.
...continue reading this devotion.Yesterday, I shared from this same passage. But today, something even more powerful touched my heart about it — and it was so humbling, I had to share it with you too.
...continue reading this devotion.I can’t begin to tell you. So many people I’ve shared the Gospel with have answered, “Well — I don’t need that, I’m a good person.” No, we’re not. We have a tendency to compare ourselves with our neighbor, thinking how nice or how giving we are compared to him or her. But none of us are good by God’s standards. Our good works are like filthy rags, according to Isaiah.
...continue reading this devotion.As I write, it seems the prevailing concern among people everywhere is -– what’s going on with the economy? Europe is on the verge of an economic collapse. Even the kings of wall street are reportedly dumping their shares in U.S. companies. People are watching their wealth dissipating and dwindling away. Reflecting on these material losses reminds me of a story about a lady who perished in Pompeii in the first century.
...continue reading this devotion.When the Torah was given on Shavuot in the days of Moses, the sin of the golden calf resulted in the death of 3,000 men. Some 1500 years later at the same season the Holy Spirit descended causing 3,000 men to be saved! The Lord has never changed; His mercy and His holiness are the same throughout all ages. But the contrast of these two historical events during the same Holy Day may be seen as a powerful illustration of this principle: “the letter [of the Law] kills, but the Spirit gives life.” (2 Corinthians 3:6)
...continue reading this devotion.The first thirty years of my life were spent in Baltimore, Maryland, and I have many fond memories there. One of these is a trail in the woods by the Patapsco River. I used to go fishing there with my dad and spent many a weekend hanging out with my friends, wading in the water.
...continue reading this devotion.As California enters its third year of an intense drought, with nearly 60 percent of the state now in an “exceptional drought”, it reminded me of a story that happened in Israel.
...continue reading this devotion.It never ceases to amaze me how our little girl, Elianna is growing and developing. I remember when she first came into this world, she was so helpless and frail — she couldn’t even move her head without our help. Now, just having turned two, she’s running around and tumbling, jumping, singing and dancing!
...continue reading this devotion.