
Choose your words wisely!


The world seems to be turning inside out, upside down! And while hearing the collapse of society may lead many to anger and resentment … let’s remember that life and death are in the power of the tongue! Remember that blessing and cursing should never come out of the same vessel! [ James 3:10 ] So despite how crazy the world is … let’s choose to bless this world!

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Call the Exterminator!

luke 10 ttread on serpents scorpions worthy christian devotions

Since our move to the Negev Desert in Israel, we’ve had the privilege of meeting many fascinating and somewhat disturbing desert species, some of which have unfortunately had to meet the exterminator. One of these is the scorpion. Scorpions are commonplace here. They can often even be found in the house and they aren’t easy to kill. These little creatures have a knack for survival. I have even read that scorpions have survived nuclear weapon testing! But what’s more interesting is their method of devouring prey.

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Our Days Are Numbered, Hallelujah!

Some time ago I installed an interesting app on my phone that counts days, keeping track of anniversaries and all days of significance. For example, I know that, as of today, I’ve been married 5,267 days. Worthy News is 6,506 days old and counting. But most curiously, today happens to clock in an anniversary which may have gone completely unnoticed but for my attention to it using this app: the nation of Israel was birthed on May 14, 1948 and today marks its 25,000th day of existence.

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