
Sound the alarm!

When we see the word trumpet in the Bible, the Hebrew equivalent is “shofar”. Shofars are those twisty brown ram’s horns that have recently become quite the popular Christian decor. Well, forget decor — we need to learn how to blow those things!! All around the world this season, the shofar is being blown among Jewish communities. While for most Jewish people today, it is tradition to hear the shofar blast, few know of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) soon return.

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Have you come to see the battle?

Traveling across America in this climate of national stress, I’ve been repeatedly shocked to witness violent atrocities against the United States government. While many of the protests have been peaceful demonstrations, numerous others have been characterized by a level of violent and seemingly vengeful anger, involving intentional destruction of property with losses in the millions of dollars.

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Get back to basics!

Race car driving champion Bill Vukovich won the infamous Indianapolis 500 race two times, a record of success few others have achieved. When asked about the secret of his success in the race, Vukovich simply replied, “There’s no secret. You just press the accelerator to the floor and steer left.”

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Charge Through!

On October 31st, 1917, six hundred soldiers of the Australian 4th and 12th Light Horse Brigade, under the command of Brigadier General William Grant, led a daring attack against the Ottoman army in Beersheva. Armed with only horses and bayonets they charged the deeply entrenched Ottoman army. As machine guns fired, and men and horses were dying, the Lighthorsemen dug in their spurs and continued to press forward to victory. The bewildered enemy failed to adjust their gun sights and their fire began passing harmlessly over the heads of the horsemen, who then quickly overran the Ottoman army utterly defeating them in less than an hour. Historians describe this remarkable battle as the last successful cavalry charge in history.

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