
Don’t become calloused!

As we continue to inspect our hearts and take spiritual inventory of our lives during this month of Elul in preparation for the fall feasts, we should stay particularly aware of Yeshua’s prediction in Matthew 24:12, “The love of many will grow cold.” He warned that a sign of the last days would be abounding lawlessness and that callousness and hardness of heart would characterize the end times. The evidence of this is everywhere.

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Avoid quarreling!

The world of social media produces a constant flow of profound debates. For example, last night a decorated journalist on Twitter offered a joy-rave that finally, dogs live in the White House again. Earlier rants about ice cream or the color scheme of Air Force One have now yielded to the political significance of pet dogs!

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You are what you eat!

1 Timothy 4:8 Worthy Daily Devotionals

A significant response to the current pandemic has been medical professionals in various places offering valuable advice on the role of diet toward building and increasing our body’s immunity to viruses and disease in general. This kind of advice can be truly salutary, even life-saving. Yet the aphorism, “You are what you eat”, though often heard, isn’t always taken as seriously as we might…And that may contribute to unpleasant health consequences.

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Have you come to see the battle?

Traveling across America in this climate of national stress, I’ve been repeatedly shocked to witness violent atrocities against the United States government. While many of the protests have been peaceful demonstrations, numerous others have been characterized by a level of violent and seemingly vengeful anger, involving intentional destruction of property with losses in the millions of dollars.

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Get back to basics!

Race car driving champion Bill Vukovich won the infamous Indianapolis 500 race two times, a record of success few others have achieved. When asked about the secret of his success in the race, Vukovich simply replied, “There’s no secret. You just press the accelerator to the floor and steer left.”

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