
Be a glimmer of hope!

Most people have never heard of the first overseas missionary from America to Burma, Adoniram Judson. Judson was a brilliant man who learned to read when he was only 3. He went to college when he was just 16. He graduated valedictorian of his class at the age of 19. He was the son of a pastor, having been raised with Godly values, however while in college, he met a student named Jacob Eames, a deist who denied the miracles of the Bible. By the time Judson finished college he had turned completely from the Lord. For a short while, he lived a vagabond and reckless life, until a series of God-incidences turned his life inside out.

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Don’t be Mopey!

Many times, our unbelieving family and coworkers — society in general, can make us feel small and inferior — like second class citizens — because we are Christians. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, somehow, we begin to believe it! We become what I like to call “mopey Christians,” just moping around, keeping our faith hidden under a bushel, feeling afraid to say a word about Jesus, in fear that we might offend someone! And that’s precisely what the enemy wants us to feel!

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It’s story time!

Once upon a time, Truth went about the streets as naked as the day he was born. As a result, no one would let him into their homes. Whenever people caught sight of him, they turned away and fled. One day when Truth was sadly wandering about, he came upon Parable. Now, Parable was dressed in splendid clothes of beautiful colors. And Parable, seeing Truth, said, “Tell me, neighbor, what makes you look so sad?” Truth replied bitterly, “Ah, brother, things are bad — very bad. I’m old — very old, and no one wants to acknowledge me. No one wants anything to do with me.”

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