
The fields are white in the world!

Since we returned to our home in the Negev Desert in Israel, we’ve noticed that the usual “desert scene” we are so accustomed to, has completely blossomed with grass and flowers — what an amazing difference! It suddenly occured to me, as we were delighting in the beauty of it all, that the seed was already there! No one planted it. All the hills, now rolling endlessly with green — they are not owned by anyone. Miles and miles of grass and wild flowers suddenly shoot forth where there was nothing but brown before! It was just waiting for someone to water it! And God brought the rains.

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Where’s your hunger?

Every time we go to the States it seems I gain about 20 pounds! It’s really not that difficult – being a guest, and receiving the generous hospitality of American Christians for 3 months — which means being fed like a king. Feasting like this is really fun…until you get on the scale 3 months later! So now I’m back in Israel, eating right and knocking off what I call speaking weight. Those (women) who have experienced pregnancy weight, know just what I’m talking about.

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Welcome the wrecking ball!

Some of the wealthiest individuals in the United States are real estate developers. They make their money by buying a piece of property that is terribly run down, seemingly useless, without any value to the naked eye and reforming it completely, making it look brand new! These businessmen are not as much interested in what is on the property as they are interested in the land it’s on!

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