
How to Claim Your Promises!

A reader asked a pointed question, “How do we claim the promises of God?” Sometimes the most difficult questions are best answered by men of faith, in this case, by a man who made a lifestyle of claiming the promises of God. I learned the answer to this question early in my walk when I read the autobiography of George Mueller.

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Strapped for Cash?

Living by faith financially can be a wonderful thing. Back in Jesus’ day, people didn’t have savings and money market accounts, mutual funds, and IRA’s. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that those things are bad to have. What I’m saying is that those of us who live without them have an opportunity — an opportunity to see God provide in miraculous ways!

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Have a Victor Mentality!

In 2nd Samuel Chapter 9 we read of the story of King David and Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth was the son of Jonathan and the grandson of the first king of Israel, King Saul. After Jonathan’s death, David went forth to show kindness to Saul’s house. Mephibosheth had become lame at the young age of five — he had lived his entire life as a cripple.

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