
Be bold in Him!

For 2000 years now, humans all over the world can do what was possible for only one single man, (Israel’s high priest) before the death and resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus). We can enter the Holy of Holies, the very Presence of the almighty God, without dying. When we pray, we have direct access to God, our Father, not on our own merit, since our own righteousness is but filthy rags [Isaiah 64:6], but on the merit and perfection of His only Son.

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You never know how your prayers can change the world!

Most people have never heard of “Auntie Cooke”, but I guarantee you that you’ll get to know her in glory! She arrived in Chicago in 1868 as a perfect stranger, but she immediately became involved in D.L. Moody’s church when he was just thirty-one years old. She described him years later, as a ‘diamond in the rough’, and someone who needed the divine unction and power.

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Be a bold voice for Him!

In the 4th century lived a Christian named Telemachus, in a remote village, tending his garden, and spending much time in prayer. One day, he believed he heard the voice of God telling him to go to Rome, so he obeyed, setting out on foot. Some weeks later, weary from his journey, he arrived in Rome about the time of a great festival.

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Don’t Settle for a Burger!

In today’s society fast food is making billions. It’s slogans are “have it your way” and “have it hot and and have it now”. How easy it is for us to fall into this “fast food mentality”. It has almost become who we are. But in God’s kingdom there’s no fast food. We can’t always have it our way and now. When we are caught up in this fast food mentality, we lose the true meaning of patience. True patience is the ability to wait on the Lord through trials without complaining and worrying; it is to be tested and persevere through trial.

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