

Though the new cycle of Israel’s feasts has concluded, I’d like to share one more observation about last week’s high holy day, Yom Kippur. It is a day on which adults are afflicting themselves by fasting, abstaining from all pleasures, and repenting. But for the children, Yom Kippur is a very different holiday. This day is my son Obi’s favorite holiday! Why? Because the kids are not fasting or recalling their sins or suffering at all – they are celebrating freedom!

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Give a Good Word!

A friend writes: “My father did some pretty nasty things to me. But at the end of his life, as I kneeled by his bedside, I told him how thankful I was for every good thing he had done and every way he had blessed me, and there were many. We were good friends when he passed away.” One of the greatest regrets you can avoid at the end of your life is the failure to praise others when they deserved it, (and even when they didn’t).

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Listen, Loud and Clear!

Have you ever noticed that most of our phone conversations go something like this? You call, say a word or two, they’ll say a short thing or two in reply and then something like “Ok, in the middle of something, gotta run, talk to you later”! That’s a good example of most of our telephone conversations with people when we were living in the United States.

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Enter into His rest!

In Israel, Shabbat (the Sabbath) is an extraordinary day. People spend much effort to get everything perfectly prepared for this special season that lasts from sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday. For those of you who have ever visited Israel, you’d know that Friday morning is the time that everyone here is rushing around doing errands before everything closes.

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Whose Praise???

Since 1927, Time Magazine has announced its “Man of the year award”, and this year’s winner is President Barack Obama for the 2nd time. The magazine’s tradition of naming a “Man of the year” has occasionally provoked significant controversy. In 1938, just before World War 2, Time named Adolf Hitler, “Man of the Year” just about one year …

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