
Rejected? Relax…

These first two scriptures are speaking of the same “Stone”, the prophesied Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), the “head of the corner” or “rosh pina”, in Hebrew. This stone is laid in Zion, a common synonym for Jerusalem, where mount Zion rests. The stone is “tried”, that is, tested in every way that a stone can be; the stone is precious and excellent to be set as a sure, reliable, accurate, even everlasting foundation, and a stone which is prepared and set in place by God, Himself. Can you think of a “Stone” more perfect or beautiful than our Messiah?

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It’s not really that scary!

All Hallows Eve, October 31, otherwise known as Halloween, is celebrated throughout most of the world — however, that doesn’t take place in Israel.

Still, I do remember the days of haunted houses in amusement parks when I was growing up. These “attractions”, houses created to inspire fear, anxiety, and a sense of danger …

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