
The Joy of the Lord is your Strength!

Tonight begins the Biblical feast of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) throughout the world! Roughly 2500 years ago, there was a special Sukkot celebration in Jerusalem. The people of Israel were exiled and dispersed all across the Babylonian empire. Later, they were given the right to return and start construction on the 2nd temple of Israel. Nehemiah 8 speaks of the special celebration that happened at that time. We read how Ezra taught the people out of the book of the law and how they responded in weeping and repentance before the God of Israel.

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Crown Your Mind!

The high priest of Ancient Israel wore a crown of pure gold on his head called a Nezer, which comes from the word ā€œnazarā€. This word “nazar” means to dedicate, consecrate and sacredly separate. The word ā€œnazariteā€ comes from this root, and describes someone who has taken a vow to be separated from the world.

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Access the power from on high!

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Have you ever thought about how much power God releasing in our midst right now? Is it 20%… 50%… 100% of His great power?? I would venture to say that God is not even releasing a fraction of 1% of His power today. That might sound crazy to you, but think about it. If He were to release all His power on this earth, don’t you think that sin would be completely destroyed and righteousness and holiness would abound?

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Be Transformed This Shavuot!

The Lord (YHVH) commanded the grain offering on Shavuot, (known as Pentecost among Christians), to be made of the finest flour, baked with yeast, that is, leaven. Leaven, in the Bible, is almost universally, a symbol for “sin”, and in the OT is strictly forbidden on the altar of YHVH., yet here, in the Feast of Weeks it is commanded as part of the offering. Just six weeks prior to this festival, Israel had spent a week eating unleavened bread, a clear picture of the connection between the Passover Lamb and the removal of sin from our lives. Now the grain offering for Shavuot contains yeast; two loaves with it. Why? A common interpretation of this for NT believers is that the loaves represent Jews and Gentiles, the two types of redeemed people, who, of course, still contain sin in our lives.

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The wave of evangelism!

The second great awakening took place around 1790 until the 1840s. This movement saw ā€˜circuit ridersā€™, traveling preachers who spread the Gospel to the edges of the frontier, affecting the growing American populace. Camp meetings in rural areas outside the traditional church with the primary focus of soul winning, were like “brushfires” of the Holy Spirit, attracting people for miles.

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