Experience Faith, (Say “Amen!”)
The word “Amen” (ืึธืึตื) properly pronounced in Hebrew “ah-mehn”, means “so be it” or “may it be so”, and also, “Yes, it is true!” Some scholars suggest a connection with the Hebrew word for truth, “emet” (ืึถืึถืช), because of the two similar root letters, “aleph”(ื) and “mem” (ื). Truth ought to be confirmed. At the end of a prayer, saying “Amen” expresses the desire to affirm and confirm what was requested or proclaimed. Leha’ameen, (ืืืืืื) means “to believe, trust or confide in”, and all variations of this root (ืืื) relate to “emunah” (ืืืื ื): faith, belief, or faithfulness!
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