
Do You Have True Religion?

We continue looking at the ancient Hebrew alphabet: the modern word for “religion” is the word – “dat” – spelled in Hebrew, “dalet”- “tav”. The ancient Hebrew letter “dalet” pictures a door. And as we have previously shown, the “tav” is a covenant sign which is pictured as a simple cross. So the word “religion” in ancient Hebrew, could also be expressed as “the door of the covenant sign (a cross)”.

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Be Free!

The enemy has only come to lie to us, kill and destroy us. The rejection we receive is ultimately from him — the person who outwardly does the rejecting is merely a pawn in his game. That rejection is a lie! Over time we begin to believe that lie until it finally becomes truth in our hearts. We can live a lifetime believing that lie. We can spend years and years covering for it as we talked about yesterday, with pride, fear and rebellion. And these build walls — walls that imprison us — and isolate us from the ones we love.

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