
You’re in the midst of the Days of Awe!

From Rosh HaShanah to Yom Kippur there are ten days. The Lord gave these days to Israel to prepare for His judgment. They became known as the Yamim Noraim – the “Days of Awe”. It has been long believed that during these days one’s final destiny was sealed concerning the Book of Life, God’s eternal Book of Judgment. Thus every year the Jewish people have observed these days with great reverence and repentance so to be right with God and with men.

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Your Steps Are Ordered!

Recently, my wife and I have been ‘stumbling’ along while we are ‘re-deployed’ to the United States for a season.  This is the first time in our lives where we truly don’t know where we are going or where we are heading.  We have our long-term plans ironed out, but for the time being our lives are on hold due to the Covid pandemic, as well as some other factors. 

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Take that Leap of Faith!

Over the past few days, one of our servers that hosts roughly 20 different web sites was breached and used to send SPAM. While there was no real damage done, the thousands of bounced messages literally caused the server to shut down. There was no personal information stored on the server, however, the hours spent setting up a new server in the midst of a speaking tour created chaos which we really didn’t have the time to deal with. However, the worst of it is all over, and we’re back! Just as we’re getting ready to launch another website (https://worthy.bible) for the Kingdom … we get attacked from all sides!

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Determine to Make the Commitment!

When missionary Dr. David Livingstone was working in Africa, a group of friends wrote him: “We would like to send other men to you. Have you found a good road into your area yet?” Dr. Livingstone sent this message in reply: “If you have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all.”

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Do You Have The Sign?

Yesterday, we began identifying the ancient Hebrew alphabet and exploring the potential symbolic meanings of its letters. The last letter, “Tav”, as we saw, strongly resembles a cross. Today, we’re going to look at how “Tav” is spelled in ancient Hebrew. The phonetic spelling of “Tav” is Tav (T)-Vav (V). Now the ancient letter, “Vav” strongly resembled a commonly used tent peg, and then, later, a common nail. So the spelling of “Tav” contains a cross and a nail.

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