
Need a promotion?

I used to sell newspaper subscriptions door to door and deliver flowers for a living. I also volunteered for years with my churches inner city bus ministry. My wife waited tables and cleaned houses. She volunteered with a number of ministries, doing youth work and teaching worship dance among other things. Never could we imagine that the Lord would take us to Israel and use us in full time ministry in this capacity. Neither of us ever did anything great in this world but we were faithful in some little things and God found it in His heart to promote us.

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Our Days Are Numbered, Hallelujah!

Some time ago I installed an interesting app on my phone that counts days, keeping track of anniversaries and all days of significance. For example, I know that, as of today, I’ve been married 5,267 days. Worthy News is 6,506 days old and counting. But most curiously, today happens to clock in an anniversary which may have gone completely unnoticed but for my attention to it using this app: the nation of Israel was birthed on May 14, 1948 and today marks its 25,000th day of existence.

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Happy Todanukah!

For the first time in over a 100 years, Thanksgiving and Chanukah will fall on the same day, November 28th, 2013. Some have termed it “Thanksgivukkah”, however my wife calls it, “Todanukah”. (The Hebrew word for “thanks”, is “toda”.) According to one calculation, the next time that Thanksgiving and Chanukah will align perfectly will be 79,043 years from now! I expect we will all have gone to our reward by then.

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Whose report will you believe?


You may recall a few months ago we sent out an unspoken prayer request on behalf of the ministry without giving any details. At the time, among many other things going on, we went in for an ultrasound and the doctor told us that he wasn’t able to see a nose bone. He went on to say that this was a likely indication that the baby had Downs Syndrome and strongly suggested we get some tests done. When Rivka politely told him that we wouldn’t need any tests and that even if the baby did have Downs, he is a gift from God and there was no way we would abort him, the doctor was taken aback. He insisted that we would be causing an injustice to allow a baby to be born with a defect such as this. And believe it or not, two other doctors agreed.

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