
Shine as a Star!

A National Geographic article published a few years describing a real celestial event which took place at the time of the birth of Jesus reminded me of Risto Santala’s explanation in his book, “The Messiah in the New Testament in the Light of Rabbinical Writings”. He wrote about a conjunction of major planets that took place which could have led the wise men from the east, to Israel.

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Escape Doubting Castle!

In John Bunyan’s best-selling book, Pilgrim’s Progress, the central character, Christian, begins his journey leaving the city of Destruction and ventures on his way toward the Celestial City. Early on his journey, Christian decides to depart from the narrow path onto an easier one which leads him to the territory of Despair and its stronghold, Doubting Castle.

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Are you a dead duck?

daily devotional christian devotion

A farmer and his friend went duck hunting. Eventually, they got to talking about the things of God, as they always would. “You’re always talking about these battles you have with the devil,” the farmer’s friend said to him. “It’s so silly – I mean, I’m not even a Christian and I’ve never experienced anything like that.”

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Send out the Rescue Team!

sheep that was lost worthy ministries

This week an interesting phenomenon occurred that had Israeli scientists baffled.  Two sperm whales appeared off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea! It was the first time they’ve encountered it — in the modern state of Israel.   In February, a killer whale was seen for the first time off Israel’s coast.  These events had me wondering in numerous ways… about whales…

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Go to your room!

Matthew 6:6 pray in secret worthy christian devotions

As parents, we’ve had to adjust the way we discipline our children from time to time as they grow and as the culture changes….with especially major differences from the time when I was growing up. For example, when I was young and got in trouble, I was sent to my room, in which was my bed and a bunch of books. There was no TV, radio, internet, or phone. It was a time-out given to re-evaluate my attitude and behavior.

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