
Be found worthy!

Our true value was expressed at the cross of Messiah, where God valued us according to the redemptive work of His only Son. In the light of our identity in Christ our value is inestimable. We are worthy in Him. Much of our spiritual battle, however, is about maintaining and expressing our true identity and worth, day by day.

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Press Forward!

A life without a goal is like the captain of a ship without a map and a compass. His ship will just drift aimlessly from day to day hoping to arrive somewhere. The apostle Paul set for himself a goal! He pressed forward in search for his goal — he pressed toward the mark of the high calling in Messiah! He had a clear direction of where he was going and he was focused on the Lord! How much more should we!

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You are what you eat!

1 Timothy 4:8 Worthy Daily Devotionals

A significant response to the current pandemic has been medical professionals in various places offering valuable advice on the role of diet toward building and increasing our body’s immunity to viruses and disease in general. This kind of advice can be truly salutary, even life-saving. Yet the aphorism, “You are what you eat”, though often heard, isn’t always taken as seriously as we might…And that may contribute to unpleasant health consequences.

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Stick to the Plan!

jeremiah 29 11 thoughts peace future worthy devotions

We often develop strategies, game-plans, life-plans – and then, at some obstacle or critical point, we say – “Just stick to the plan!” It’s usually good advice.

Life is always sending unexpected surprises, but praise God, nothing takes Him by surprise. He’s the master planner. Our family might turn against us, our friends let us down, illness, afflictions, problems and “situations” on every side…God still has a plan, for you, and for me.

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