Don’t be Shaken!
A major earthquake struck Taiwan over the weekend, which triggered a tsunami warning as far away as Japan.
This reminded me of when we first moved to Israel, in 2003.
...continue reading this devotion.A major earthquake struck Taiwan over the weekend, which triggered a tsunami warning as far away as Japan.
This reminded me of when we first moved to Israel, in 2003.
...continue reading this devotion.What an amazing thought that a holy and infinite God dwells within our bodies when we come to faith! This awesome God so desires to inhabit our very beings … wow!
Now imagine how that God is constructing this magnificent temple of living stones, believers around the world, and fitting us together into a masterpiece; stones of every color, every size, and differing weight, and fitting them TIGHTLY and perfectly together for His glory!
...continue reading this devotion.A few days ago I received a very detailed call from a friend dealing with trials that seem nearly impossible to bear. Often the best thing a friend can do is simply listen, and while doing just that I was reminded of Horatio Spafford.
...continue reading this devotion.Over the past week, the world has experienced some intense birth pangs. If you’ve been reading Worthy News over the past week, it’s been a busy week.
...continue reading this devotion.The Grand Canyon Park bookstore operated by the National Park Service found itself in the midst of some controversy a few years ago when they were selling a book written by creationists much to the ire of the National Center for Science Education.
...continue reading this devotion.At first glance, it would seem that God allowed this earthquake to take place in order that Paul and Silas would be set free. The earthquake came and their bands were loosed. There was nothing holding them back. They could have fled immediately — wouldn’t have you?
...continue reading this devotion.As we enter into Holocaust Remembrance Day later this evening in Israel, I want to share a touching story about an exceptional woman who assisted 2,500 young Jewish children out of the ghettos during World War II.
...continue reading this devotion.