
Enter into His place of worship!

President Franklin Roosevelt used to attend church in Washington. One day somebody phoned the church and asked, “Do you expect the President to be in church this Sunday?” The rector answered, “That I cannot promise. But we can expect God to be here, and we fancy that will be incentive enough for a reasonably large audience.”

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Lights! Camera! Action!

The world loves the extraordinary, the spectacular. It relishes on the big, bright, grand and expensive. I remember when we traveled through Las Vegas years ago, to speak at a church in Carson City. Uyy! The lights, the size of everything — crazy! But all I could think as we rolled down Sunset Strip was how sad it is that this is what the world finds extraordinary. The bigger, the brighter, the more expensive — the more the world worships it.

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Your Steps Are Ordered!

Recently, my wife and I have been ‘stumbling’ along while we are ‘re-deployed’ to the United States for a season.  This is the first time in our lives where we truly don’t know where we are going or where we are heading.  We have our long-term plans ironed out, but for the time being our lives are on hold due to the Covid pandemic, as well as some other factors. 

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Have you come to see the battle?

Traveling across America in this climate of national stress, I’ve been repeatedly shocked to witness violent atrocities against the United States government. While many of the protests have been peaceful demonstrations, numerous others have been characterized by a level of violent and seemingly vengeful anger, involving intentional destruction of property with losses in the millions of dollars.

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Be part of the solution!

christian daily devotional

In my travels across the United States, I’ve come to a greater understanding of the racial divisions which seem to characterize much of the restlessness in America. While I was in Little Rock, Arkansas I spent time with a black pastor who was taught of the true legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. While historians will rightly record MLK as a civil rights leader, he was first and foremost a Baptist pastor, and was a biblical rights leader who saw that, in the Kingdom of God … there is NO RACE! That was the revelation which inspired MLK to speak out against the social injustice of his generation.

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