
STAND at the CROSS road!


For those who have been following us, we have been ‘re-deployed’ to the United States at this pivotal moment in history. For those who know me personally, my heart is for revival and for preparing the Bride of Messiah to meet her Creator.

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Oh death where is your sting?

christian daily devotional

Over the weekend, the ministry lost a dear brother who suddenly died of a heart attack. In times of mourning, the realization dawned (once again) that this life is utterly fleeting … a vapor in the wind … and these frail human bodies in which we dwell are mortal dust. We are living in the land of the dead and dying, and only those of us who truly know and are known by the Messiah, upon our death, will enter the land of the truly living!

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Have you come to see the battle?

Traveling across America in this climate of national stress, I’ve been repeatedly shocked to witness violent atrocities against the United States government. While many of the protests have been peaceful demonstrations, numerous others have been characterized by a level of violent and seemingly vengeful anger, involving intentional destruction of property with losses in the millions of dollars.

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Be sure to check your foundation!

Over the past week, Hurricane Harvey cause catastrophic damage in the United States. In a report today, Joel Myers, president and chairman of AccuWeather, said “This is the costliest and worst natural disaster in American history. AccuWeather has raised its estimate of the impact to the nation’s gross national produce, or GDP, to $190 billion or a full one percent, which exceeds totals of economic impact of Katrina and Sandy combined.”

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Red Alert! Be Ready!

Last week was a historic week beginning with an eclipse going across the United States, and ending with Hurricane Harvey as it developed it rapidly out of nowhere and may wind up becoming the most expensive natural disaster ever to face the United States. While many around the world are apathetic and lack understanding about the times in which we live, we as believers should realize these are merely signs of the times and have a sense of urgency to be about the Lord’s business.

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