
Be part of the solution!

With everything happening in Israel, I’m often asked what I think will happen with the latest political situation in the holy land. Right now, we’re getting ready to have the 5th election in the past 4 years. And, it may very well turn out to be another stalemate, as there appears to be no way to form a coalition according to the latest polls.

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Draw from the Springs of Yeshua!

During the Feast of Sukkot, the Jewish people took part in a water drawing ceremony on the last day of the feast. They would go down to the Pool of Siloam, draw water and bring it to the Temple Mount. Then they would pour out the water and recite Isaiah 12, “and with joy you shall draw water out of the wells (springs) of salvation.” In Hebrew, the word salvation and Yeshua (Jesus, in Hebrew), are the same.

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Your Blind Side is Covered!

The Lord gave us His promise to send us a helper — the Holy Spirit. The word for “helper” in the NT Greek is “paraclete”. This word has more meaning then simply “helper” — it was also an ancient term used in warfare. When Greek warriors went onto the battle field, they went out in pairs, so when the enemy attacked they could stand back-to-back, covering each other’s blind side. The battle partner in Greek was called a “paraclete” — he was there to watch your back!

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Be a Reflection of Him!

water reflects face heart reflects man proverbs 27 19

In Israel, the Ministry of the Interior is called Misrad Ha-Pnim, translated literally, “Office of the Faces”. Those in charge of immigration and citizenship are looking into the faces of those who seek citizenship or residency within the land. Some have observed that the officials there carefully scrutinize each applicant…

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