
Is there grass on your path?

Early African believers were earnest and regular in private devotions. Each one reportedly had a separate spot in the thicket where he would pour out his heart to God. Over time, the paths to these places became well worn. As a result, if one of these believers began to neglect prayer, it was soon apparent to the others. They would kindly remind the negligent one, “Brother, the grass grows on your path.”

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He never slumbers or sleeps!

As U.S. President Donald Trump prepares to announce Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, it comes at a historical time as it will be 100 years (2 Jubilee cycles) nearly to the day when Jerusalem was liberated from the Ottoman Empire by the British in 1917. And in 1917, when the British entered into Jerusalem, it was 400 years (8 Jubilee cycles) to the day of when the Turks initially entered Jerusalem in 1517. So this month will mark 500 years (10 Jubilee Cycles) since the Ottomans first captured the holy city. Historically, it will also mark 50 years (1 Jubilee Cycle) since Jerusalem was liberated in the Six Days War in 1967.

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Be sure to check your foundation!

Over the past week, Hurricane Harvey cause catastrophic damage in the United States. In a report today, Joel Myers, president and chairman of AccuWeather, said “This is the costliest and worst natural disaster in American history. AccuWeather has raised its estimate of the impact to the nation’s gross national produce, or GDP, to $190 billion or a full one percent, which exceeds totals of economic impact of Katrina and Sandy combined.”

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Be in Total Peace!

The Hebrew word “shalom” has meaning that is deep and rich. Peace, completeness, prosperity, safety, contentment, health, blessing, and rest are all apportioned to the meaning of this remarkable word.. The ancient Hebrew spelling of “shalom” is interesting because it speaks only indirectly about these multiple meanings, but reveals something very profound about apprehending “shalom”.

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It ends with the Cross!

Our sojourn in America has been a series of divine appointments. When we were in Nashville, we were introduced to the ancient Hebrew alphabet; letters which were originally written much like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics in the time of Moses. In this written language it was often possible to derive the meaning of a word, because each letter was a symbol, which had its own particular meaning and significance.

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How do we achieve peace?

As we enter into day 16 of Operation Protective Shield, we read how a “ceasefire” is proposed by different countries in order to settle the conflict. However, it’s not a ‘true’ peace they want to achieve, but just a pause in the violence. A ceasefire in the eyes of Islam is called a ‘hudna’, which is understood as a time to regroup and rearm before rising to its ultimate victory. So how does one truly achieve peace?

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