James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
As the financial markets reel from the threat of trade wars and tariffs, shaking economies worldwide, I recall a devotion I wrote a few years ago.
F.B. Meyer once said, “The education of our faith is incomplete [till] we learn that God’s providence works through loss…that there’s a ministry to us through the failure and fading of things. The dwindling brook where Elijah sat is a picture of our lives. ‘Sometime later the brook dried up’ (1 Kings 17:7) is the history of our yesterdays and a prophecy of our tomorrows…learn the difference between trusting in the gift and trusting in the Giver. The gift may last for a season, but the Giver is eternal. If the Lord had led Elijah directly to the widow at Zarephath, he’d have missed something that helped make him a better man – living by faith. Whenever our earthly resources dry up, it’s so we may learn that our hope and help are in God.”
When we first moved to Israel just over 20 years ago, we left the United States with just a few thousand dollars and a few suitcases. We honestly didn’t know how we were going to survive financially. But in those first few months, we saw the faithfulness of God as He provided in the most miraculous ways. And it was during that season that we learned how God indeed provides for His saints. Over the years, we’ve had to take huge steps of faith that seemed impractical and illogical through earthly eyes, but we took those leaps, and God has always provided – often at the very last minute! But something the Lord taught me early on — if it’s the Lord’s will – it’s the Lord’s bill!
Even though we’re living in this “economy,” if you are a saint of God, then you’re in His economy—and in His economy, the resources are not limited. Let’s keep our focus on the GIVER instead of the gifts!
thank you, for such a thoughtful insight of His finance! may God bless you!
Very thought provoking devotional. Thank you for sharing this.
Greetings from Austria in the European Union.