Enjoy your date night!

Mark 2:27-28  And He said to them, The sabbath came into being for man’s sake, and not man for the sabbath’s sake.  Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the sabbath.

People often ask me why I so enjoy Shabbat and the rest it affords and why I preach on it so often. Some people think it’s a “legalistic” attitude, but actually, I’m simply being relational. They need to remember that our relationship with the Lord Yeshua is bridal; it’s a marital relationship. [Ephesians 5:22-33; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:7-8]

Marriage counselors invariably recommend a “date night” for married couples to maintain a healthy, passionate, and strong relationship. The date night immediately invokes a new atmosphere for the couple to experience and cultivate the specialness of their relationship. Of course, I’ve been married to my wife all week, but tonight, date night, is special, unique, and intimate.

Setting apart the Sabbath for God serves the same purpose as “date night.” I’m saying, “You have given me rest, I’ve grown to deeply trust you, I know you’ve been with me all week, and now, on one special day, my ‘date night,’ I’m expressing my love for you, and I want to know you better.”

My approach to the Sabbath is not because it’s a commandment. In fact, the New Testament contains no command to observe a particular Sabbath day. It’s even more significant and profound than anything that I “have to” do precisely because it’s voluntary. I desire to be with my Bridegroom to know and love Him better, and Shabbat is my day, my weekly habit, for that joy. I’m choosing to have a “date night” so that I can thoroughly enjoy the intimacies of the Lord and be refreshed and renewed! So, really do enjoy your “date night” and until next week — Shabbat Shalom!

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