Psalms 29:11 The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.
Colossians 2:15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
The Hebrew word “shalom” has meaning that is deep and rich. Peace, completeness, prosperity, safety, contentment, health, blessing, and rest are all apportioned to the meaning of this remarkable word.. The ancient Hebrew spelling of “shalom” is interesting because it speaks only indirectly about these multiple meanings, but reveals something very profound about apprehending “shalom”.

“Shalom” is comprised of four Hebrew letters: “Sheen”, “Lamed”, “Vav” and “Mem”. The letter “Sheen”, represented as teeth, illustrates destruction. “Lamed” portrays a staff and illustrates authority. “Vav”, illustrated as a nail or a tent peg, carries the ideas of fastening, securing, or establishing. And finally, “Mem” is displayed as water, and illustrates chaos. So the Hebrew word picture for “shalom” communicates this message – “destroying the authority that establishes chaos”!
Do you want “shalom” in your life? You will need to deal with the roots and causes of chaos. The one and only successful way to do that is through faith in and identify with Yeshua (Jesus) your Sar Shalom – your prince of Peace – because He has already disarmed the authorities which establish chaos and will soon destroy them completely. He said, These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”[John 16:33]
I love these devotions, it is no small feat to prepare them every day without fail. so I appreciate this labor of love.
Are we to read the Hebrew letters from right to left or left to right? This may help some of us who aren’t familiar with Hebrew. thanks
Yes, you read Hebrew right to left! ;-)
Hey , Worhty Christians and friends, :
2012 is the year of peace and shalom and all good christians do well in 2012. My name is Nanette and I am on gov. disability, but i am looking for work writing songs and poetry at home. I love the Lord. but during the last 50 years I have learned to clean to and cherish God’s peace . Shalom peace from heaven above to sustain and keep us with divine peace and healing and fun and love and safety. 2012 in perfect peace for all worthy Christian me and friends . The year of blessings and miracles and all of our dreams quality in the Lord Jesus Christ fullfilled in 2012. Hope you have a Happy New Year and a prosperous one. Amen and Amen God Bless and thankyou.
Write me and bless me at or call 281-528-0972.
Best Regards,
Nanette from Texas
Good day brothers and sisters in Christ . Peace for me is accepting that all things that have happened in my life and journey of faith are the permissible will of God and even though some of what I have endured has not been pleasant nor comfortable God has my BACK .
So the Hebrew word picture for “shalom” communicates this message – “destroying the authority that establishes chaos”!
What study material can I find that will help be to under how to interpret the language of God??