THE FAITHFUL FRIENDThe Holy Spirit tells a man of his faults in order to lead him to
a better life. In John 16:8 we read: "He is to reprove the world of
sin." Now, there are a class of people who dont like this part of the
Spirits work. Do you know why? Because He convicts them of sin; they dont like
that. What they want is some one to speak comforting words and make everything pleasant;
keep everything all quiet; tell them there is peace when there is war; tell them it is
light when it is dark, and tell them everything is growing better; that the world is
getting on amazingly in goodness; that it is growing better all the time; that is the kind
of preaching they seek for. Men think they are a great deal better than their fathers
were. That suits human nature, for it is full of pride. Men will strut around and say,
"Yes, I believe that; the world is improving; I am a good deal better man than father
was; my father was too strict; he was one of those old Puritanical men who was so rigid.
O, we are getting on; we are more liberal; my father wouldnt think of going our
riding on Sunday, but we will; we will trample the laws of God under our feet; we are
better than our fathers." |